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Building and Scaling of Ventures 

We consult with and prepare financing solutions to existing businesses that are scaling operations or extend branches


Areas we offer solutions to our partners and customers


Urban rapid transit systems, railways and subways, bridges and tunnels, port design and construction, airports and airbases or  hangars.

Power Management& Electricity

Planing and building power plants and lines as well as rehabilitation and upgrading. Conventional and wind-, water- and solar energy.

Healthcare & Hospitals

Project planning and development, construction and equipping hospitals.

Services and maintenance of medical equipment.

Rehabilitation of hospitals and relevant department

Waste Management

Waste separation and treatment facilities as for

separation of light and heavy fraction.

Treatment of toxic and contaminated wastes.

Waste Water Management

Planning and design of utility network, sanitation and drainage, sewer construction and rehabilitation.Trencheless techniques in congested urban areas with high building density.

Finance & Project Controlling

Our Services include audits and review of business plans, review of project management, on-site controlling ansd reporting by engineers.

We might help you to adjust your business plan and financing strategy

In case you have a first version of a business plan together with cash flow, operational planning and income projections we might help to optimize and consolidate your business plan in order to present your project to the financing consortiums. 


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D 65189 Wiesbaden


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